2-Minions Camp- SOLD OUT

By TRYPS Children's Theater Camp (other events)

Mon, Jul 18 2022 8:00 AM CST Fri, Jul 22 2022 4:00 PM CST


July 18-22 • MINIONS THEME

Open to rising Kingdergarten-7th graders

You MUST fill out the PERSONAL INFO FORM and the ENROLLMENT FORM prior to paying for camp.



              (The Personal Info Form is due only one time each year.)

Email these forms to:  [email protected]

Your child will NOT be enrolled until all forms are submitted and reviewed by our staff; you have made a Ticketleap payment, and you receive a confirmation email.

TRYPS no longer accepts payments onsite. Ticketleap provides a touchless credit payment. You may mail a check for the full amount to TRYPS (2300 Bernadette Dr., #918 • Columbia, MO 65203).

Refunds depend upon the date the cancelation is made. If a partial refund is due, the Ticketleap transaction is final and a check reimbursement will be made for the tuition less cancelation fee.

(See the website for full refund disclosure:

QUESTIONS? Email: [email protected]

Forms, Enrollment guidelines, Camp info & teachers, Refund instructions, & Safety guidelines:

Tuition includes: 

• A 40-hour camp week including interactive, educational, creative instruction and play.

• Content and activities are planned for campers to remain the entire camp day. No half day or partial week enrollment is available.

• Craft supplies for each camper

• Activity booklets and handouts (scripts, lyrics, instructions, craft templates)

• A camp t-shirt

• Video access to all final sharing projects

Tuition does NOT include:

• Lunch or utensils

• Water bottle (Please send your child with a full water bottle each day.)


Monday-Friday • 8A-4P • $210

After Care – Mon-Thur • 4-6PM • $45

•  Students are divided into small groups or “pods” by grade level. (If your child would like to request placement in a pod with a friend, please note that in your email when submitting camp forms. Camps change grade combination based on enrollment. For example: groups might be: K, 1-2, 3-4, 5-7.

•  These “pods” will remain together with the same teacher for the entire week. TRYPS will not change pods for students less than one week prior to our first meeting as scripts and supplies are purchased, labeled, copied and created for each group in advance.

• Staff and students will practice social distancing, wear facemasks, and wash hands frequently. Mask breaks will be scheduled throughout the day at snack and lunch times.

•  Content for camps include:  crafts, acting, playwriting, singing/dancing, theatre games, and more!

•  The staff writes original skits for each group and chooses music based on each week’s themes.

•  Students will record their skit, camp trailer, song, and playwriting skit throughout the week.

•  Videos will be shared via email; there will be very LIMITED performances with no more than TWO family members in attendance. All audience members will be required to mask up. No exceptions!

•  Only staff and students will be allowed to exit vehicles and remain onsite during the camp day!

There is a PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP FORM on the TRYPS website should you need to apply. The Day Dreams Foundation is also a wonderful resource to assist with camp tuition. (


All students will be expected to follow COVID safety guidelines in order to participate. Staff and students only inside the TRYPS space. Until further notice, masks will be worn during classes. 

We anticipate recording the Open House Sharings and emailing them to families. TRYPS will provide a face shield for each student to video performances.

If safety guidelines allow, we will have a LIMITED in-person performance with no more than TWO family members in attendance. Audience must mask up. No exceptions. No arguing.

TRYPS retains the right to pivot to online learning should safety guidelines require. If camp week has begun, no refunds will be made and all students will continue to participate online through a Zoom link provided by the company. If a camp week has not begun, families will be offered the option of a full refund or to participate in camp through Zoom.